Stillworks Community
Stillworks Community
Natalie Snuggs

Welcome to Stillworks Community

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About Stillworks Community

This community brings together people who want to better manage their stress to learn, share & grow together as we practice new habits which will reframe our mindset so that we can:

  • Increase calm and happiness
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Get more satisfaction out of our relationships, work, or time
  • Strengthen the relationships that matter most
  • Better support the people we care about
  • Manage long term physical or mental health conditions

Why You Should Join us

Mindfulness training has been clinically shown to produce many benefits from physical to mental health: it protects your heart from free-radical damage, your brain from deterioration through aging, your immune system from environmental damage and elevates your mood and well-being to name but a few. 

But what does this community offer that you cannot get easily elsewhere? 

Experience: in this space you have access to my many years (over thirty) of teaching and studying meditation and mindfulness. Aside from my professional and academic qualifications you will benefit from being able to ask an experienced teacher questions, and because I belong to several professional bodies, if I don't know the answer I will know someone who does. Take advantage of the hundreds of courses and training events I have attended and taught (several hundred hours a year over many years) and find out all you want you know about different types of mindfulness and how these can benefit you. There is a practice for everyone - whether you like silence, music, movement or a combination, there will be a way for you to develop your mindfulness whether you are a complete beginner or are more experienced. 

Community: I am not the only expert here! You are all experts in your own lived experiences, which may or may not included mindfulness training, and by sharing these experiences, supporting each other, sharing resources and ideas, we can all grow and flourish together. Studies show that being part of a group with a common purpose not only encourages us to keep going with our well-being practices even when it is tough, but the positive effects are magnified - in other words, we keep each other going and we get more benefits than we would by learning and practicing alone. I still attend daily meditation classes and really benefit from these!

Resources: you will receive weekly resources for shared and individual practice, the opportunity to join live classes, regular Q & A sessions, a discussion feed where you can post specifically to me or to the wider community, discounts on courses and workshops, and you will gradually build your own library of recordings, videos and 'helpful hint' worksheets which you can access freely and as often as you require whilst you are a member of Stillworks Community.

A Big Thanks

Through your ongoing support in this community you are helping each other access good quality mindfulness teaching at an affordable cost and in accessible ways.  We are creating community through a shared purpose for the benefit of us all, and those we care about. Let's create a community which makes a real difference in the world through kindness - starting with ourselves, each other, and all those we come into contact with. Every kind engagement with another person is like dropping a pebble into a pond, the ripples spread out in all directions.